Enormous sets require a lot of scaffolding to create items such as fake streets and imitation buildings. Scenes shot from an elevation require scaffolding and platforms to allow the equipment and crew access to high points, while assuring the safety of the crew and the equipment.
Film set scaffolding suppliers in South Africa are usually contracted to provide the movie set scaffolding and rigging.
The equipment used in filming can cost millions of Rands, making the stability and reliability of scaffolding a key concern for film makers. Scaffolding used also needs to be adaptable to different terrains. Many films are shot in locations where the ground is unstable or uneven; making the need for scaffolding that is able to perform its duties on unstable locations extremely high, as well as upholding the health and safety of the crew and equipment whilst constructed on uneven ground.
Scaffolding used on film sets not only needs to be safe for the filming equipment, but also for the safety of the staff, crew and actors. If scaffolding does experience a problem in terms of a collapse or any other issue, even if no one is hurt, filming can be delayed which causes massive problems with budgets, the time schedules and many other important factors which the film depends on to be reliable.
Really useful post, we are improving the aluminum scaffold so we are doing slowly, thanks Hao
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